Journal of Management and Business Review

E-ISSN : 2503-0736 (Online)

P-ISSN : 1829-8176 (Printed)

DOI      by Crossref - 10.34149/jmbr

URL      :

Language: Indonesian & English Article 


The Journal of Management and Business Review (JMBR) is an academic journal published twice a year (July and January) by the Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) - Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. JMBR has obtained ISSN so that it can be recognized in the credit score assessment.

JMBR is a source of scientific information for academia, research institution, government agencies, and industries. We publish research papers on management and business strategy as well as related topics. We received the results of basic research and applied research. JMBR is a scientific journal focused on management and business issues. Topics discussed in JMBR are marketing, finance, strategic, human resource, operation, entrepreneur, and business.

Please read this guide carefully. Authors who wish to submit articles to a scientific training journal must comply with the writing Guideline. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English. If the article submitted is not in accordance with the writing guidelines or written in a different format, it will be rejected by the editor before further review. The editors only accept articles that meet the specified format.

Journal of Management and Business Review has been indexed SINTA 3Google ScholarIPI-Portal GarudaISJD, Crossref, DOAJ and Dimensions

This journal has been accredited by SINTA 3 for five years based on The Decree of DIKTI, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 200/M/KPT/2020 dated on December 23th, 2020

Accreditation Certificate:

JMBR is one of the board members of the Forum Pengelola Jurnal Manajemen (FPJM), based on Decree of No. 001 / SK / FPJM / XI / 2019

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This journal's statistical counter experienced a problem during the period January to July 2020 and was only corrected in August 2020. As a result of this problem, visitors could not see the number of visits during that period.

Posted: 2020-08-13
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Vol 21, No 1 (2024)

January - June

Full Issue

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Table of Contents


Lusia Tuti Sulistyani, Riza Aryanto
Pages: 1-18
Views: 310
Downloads: 714
Muhammad Heru Akhmadi, Lalu Muhammad Aldimasqi
Pages: 19-33
Views: 201
Downloads: 567
Yosephine Carolina Nugraha, Sabrina Wissen, Shafira Putri Kurniawan
Pages: 34-50
Views: 222
Downloads: 556
Hui-Hsin Huang
Pages: 51-59
Views: 195
Downloads: 596
Isbandriyati Mutmainah, Iis Anisa Yulia, Amelia Gunawan
Pages: 60-81
Views: 206
Downloads: 554
Azka Halimah Nur Arnita, Ida Ida
Pages: 82-103
Views: 318
Downloads: 575