Pengaruh Penerapan CSR terhadap Kinerja Usaha Melalui Green Product pada Sektor Industri Kecil dan Mikro (IKM) Berbasis Makanan di Pudak Payung Kota Semarang

Bonifatus Wibowo - Management, Economics and Business Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang , & Management, Economics and Business Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang , &
Veronica Kusdiartini - Management, Economics and Business Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang
Dyah Anugraheni - Management, Economics and Business Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang
Ignatius Supriyanto - Management, Economics and Business Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang


SMEs now conduct CSR. However, for food-processed SMEs, CSR has yet to be discovered how this will affect its Performance. This research aims to know the influence of CSR on the Performance through Green Products. The population in this study were all food processing SMEs in Pudak Payung, Banyumanik, and Semarang. The sample used was 43, whose business was over 5 years old (quota sampling). The primary data, CSR, Green Products, and Performance, was obtained through questionnaires distributed to the 43 SMEs. The data was analyzed using simple linear regression and the Sobel test. The analysis results reveal that using simple linear regression, CSR affects Green Products and their Performance, while Green Products do not affect their Performance. This shows that CSR has a direct effect on their Performance. The Sobel test strengthens these, which shows that Green Products do not mediate the relationship between CSR and their Performance. Research on certain types of food processing SMEs or all food processing SMEs in Banyumanik needs to be conducted to prove that Green Products mediate the relationship between the influence of CSR and Business Performance.


Corporate Social Responsibility; Green Product; Business Performance and SMEs


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