Pengaruh Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) terhadap Keputusan Mendaftar pada Sekolah Internasional di Kota Semarang

Cecilia Pungkasari - Magister Management Faculty of Economics and Business Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang , & Magister Management Faculty of Economics and Business Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang , &
Maria Yosephine Dwi Agustini - Magister Management Faculty of Economics and Business Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang


International schools are educational institutions with foreign cooperation and different management from regular schools. Only certain people enroll since they are unique in the programs, management, society, and culture. Studies show that promotional efforts to increase the number of students are effectively strengthened by IMC, which is carried out to attract as many prospective students as possible. However, very few research is conducted in the context of international schools. This research is conducted to identify the effectiveness of IMC on enrolment decisions in international schools. The survei was conducted on parents whose child is studying at the 12 international schools in Semarang in elementary, junior, or high school. Questionnaires were given to parents selected using a purposive sampling technique. The data on five elements of IMC (advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, direct and digital marketing) as the independent variables and on enrollment decision as the dependent variable was processed using multiple linear regression. The results show that IMC simultaneously influences the decision, but only public relations is partially significant. Adjusted R square indicates that IMC is not the only factor contributing to enrolment decision; school management must consider other factors to increase the number of students.


Integrated Marketing Communication; Enrollment Decision; International School; Semarang


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