Strategic Market Orientation and Creation of Cultural Entrepreneurship: Case Study of Chinese Entrepreneurs

Lufina Mahadewi - [Scopus ID: 57396116200] PPM School of Management, DKI Jakarta


This study aims to reveal that the strategic market orientation and creation of cultural entrepreneurship play a role in the performance of Chinese entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The behavioral elements of market orientation are formed by innovative behavior based on the cultural values of Chinese entrepreneurs. Cultural values strategically provide a resource management perspective for Chinese entrepreneurs to develop culturally innovative behavior toward the strategic market orientation. Strategic market orientation configurates the development of cultural entrepreneurship creativity in the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is in the setting of Chinese entrepreneurs in West Java, Indonesia. This study uses a postpositivist paradigm with a holistic design of case studies on three Chinese entrepreneurs in a small-medium business. Semi-structural interviews with an open format on three Chinese entrepreneurs are used as data collection. The data analysis technique used Miles and Huberman's interactive model. The study results are in the form of an empirical model design that reveals the strategic behavioral elements of market orientation based on innovative cultural behavior in the development of cultural entrepreneurship. Research findings contribute theoretically to the concept of strategic orientation management and cultural entrepreneurship in the context of market orientation that interactions in entrepreneurship have a great complexity, one of which is based on the culturally innovative behavior inherited in the development of behavioral elements of market orientation, cultural entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial sustainability.


Behavioral Elements of Market Orientation; Innovative Behavior; Cultural Entrepreneurship; Cultural Values

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