Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesia
Alhamdi Zuhri Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesia
Akuntansi Bisnis
Paulina Millennia Natalia Wijaya Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesia
Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi
Martdian Sari -
Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia , & Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia , &
Alhamdi Zuhri -
Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia , & Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia , &
Paulina Natalia Wijaya -
Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia , & Program Studi Akuntansi Bisnis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9, Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia , &
The need for financial information is an important component of economic development. The auditor is the party that guarantees that the financial statements are maintained credibility. However, many cases show the misuse of financial statements. This study aims to determine the effect of internal and external factors on auditor independence. This study used a Purposive Sampling as the sampling method, which is by taking a sample from the population-based on certain criteria (Sugiyono, 2013). This study used a sample of the auditor who has experience working in the KAP for at least 1 year. The type of data used is primary data in the form of a questionnaire. This study proves that the length of the auditor's relationship influences auditor independence. While this study does not prove that the provision of non-audit services, Competition among KAP, Large size of KAP, Audit period, and Relativism influence the independence of auditors.
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Probowati, Wulan. (2015). Pengaruh faktor internal dan eksternal terhadap independensi dan kualitas audit auditor (Studi Empiris pada KAP di Surakarta dan Yogyakarta).
Putri, Kirana., Hardi., & Silalahi, Sem Paulus. Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Independensi Akuntan Publik Dalam Pelaksanaan Audit (Study Survey Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Pekanbaru dan Batam)
Rachmawati, Lenny. (2006). Analisis Pengaruh Independence in Fact, Independence in Appearance, dan Independence in Competence Terhadap Kualitas Audit Pada KAP Di Surabaya, Surabaya.
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Setyono, Unggul. (2016). “Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Independensi Auditor (Studi Empiris Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Semarang)”.
Sukarno, Puput Adi. (2019). Menkeu Jatuhkan Sanksi Auditor Laporan Keuangan Garuda Indonesia, Ini Rinciannya. Dikutip 2 Juli dari Ekonomi:
Tim, CNN Indonesia. (2018). Kasus SNP Finance, Dua Kantor Akuntan Publik Diduga Bersalah. Dikutip 2 Juli 2019 dari CNN Indonesia:
Wurangian, Hanny. & Muslich Anshori. (2003).“Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan Faktor Eksternal Terhadap Independensi Auditor (Studi Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya)”.
Yudiasmoro, Tondo. (2007). Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Independensi Penampilan Akuntan Publik. Jurusan Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Optima, 7(2), 128-135.
How to cite (APA):
M. Sari, A. Zuhri, & P. Natalia Wijaya
"Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi," Journal of Management and Business Review, vol. 18, no. 2, , pp. 236-254, Jun. 2021.
How to cite (APA):
Sari, M., Zuhri, A., & Natalia Wijaya, P.
Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi.
Journal of Management and Business Review, 18(2), 236-254.
How to cite (Chicago):
Sari, Martdian, Zuhri, Alhamdi, AND Natalia Wijaya, Paulina.
"Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi" Journal of Management and Business Review [Online], Volume 18 Number 2 (30 June 2021)
How to cite (Vancouver):
Sari M, Zuhri A, & Natalia Wijaya P .
Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi.
Journal of Management and Business Review [Online]. 2021 Jun;
How to cite (Harvard):
Sari, M., Zuhri, A., & Natalia Wijaya, P.
Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi.
Journal of Management and Business Review, [Online] 18(2), pp. 236-254.
How to cite (MLA8):
Sari, Martdian, Alhamdi Zuhri, & Paulina Millennia Natalia Wijaya.
"Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi." Journal of Management and Business Review [Online], 18.2 (2021): 236-254. Web. 5 Feb. 2025
BibTex Citation Data :
author = {Martdian Sari and Alhamdi Zuhri and Paulina Natalia Wijaya},
title = {Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi},
journal = {Journal of Management and Business Review},
volume = {18},
number = {2},
year = {2021},
keywords = {Internal Factors; External Factor; Auditor Independenc},
abstract = {The need for financial information is an important component of economic development. The auditor is the party that guarantees that the financial statements are maintained credibility. However, many cases show the misuse of financial statements. This study aims to determine the effect of internal and external factors on auditor independence. This study used a Purposive Sampling as the sampling method, which is by taking a sample from the population-based on certain criteria (Sugiyono, 2013). This study used a sample of the auditor who has experience working in the KAP for at least 1 year. The type of data used is primary data in the form of a questionnaire. This study proves that the length of the auditor's relationship influences auditor independence. While this study does not prove that the provision of non-audit services, Competition among KAP, Large size of KAP, Audit period, and Relativism influence the independence of auditors.},
issn = {2503-0736}, pages = {236--254}, doi = {10.34149/jmbr.v18i2.276},
url = {}
Refworks Citation Data :
author = {Sari, M., Zuhri, A., Natalia Wijaya, P.},
title = {Dilema Auditor: Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Independensi},
journal = {Journal of Management and Business Review},
volume = {18},
number = {2},
year = {2021},
doi = {10.34149/jmbr.v18i2.276},
url = {}
Citation Format:
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