Analisis Sumber Daya Manusia dan Teknologi Informasi sebagai Keunggulan Bersaing Berkelanjutan pada KPRI NBB XYZ Semarang

Edy Purnomo - Master of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Soegijapranata Chatolic University, Semarang , & Master of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Soegijapranata Chatolic University, Semarang , &
Berta Retnawati - Master of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Soegijapranata Chatolic University, Semarang


To grow and compete in today's free trade, some companies must adapt to the intense business competition. The need for qualified human resources and the availability of information technology facilities are one of the components that ensure that a company's business is successful. KPRI NBB XYZ Semarang is no exception in gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of human resources and information technology as a competitive advantage at KPRI NBB XYZ Semarang. The research method used is qualitative, where data collection is by means of interviews and documentation studies of internal cooperative data. Data analysis using VRIO (Valuable, Rare, Inimitable Organization). The results of this study indicate that, of the 6 (six) human resource indicators of KPRI NBB XYZ, there are 5 (five) that have a sustainable competitive advantage, and 1 (one) is in competitive parity. Then, for the information technology variable, of the 5 (five) indicators, there are 4 (four) competitive disadvantage categories and 1 (one) indicator that has a sustainable competitive advantage. In general, the existence of Cooperative Human Resources has a sustainable competitive advantage, but adequate Information Technology does not support this, so KPRI NBB XYZ Semarang has not been able to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage and become excellent in front of its members.


Human Resources; Information Technology; VRIO; Sustainable Competitive Advantage


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