Penentuan Tipe Strategi Rantai Pasok Pipa Poli-Etilena pada PT HBZ

Rahmat Zamzami - Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, DKI Jakarta
R Bagus Pramono - Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, DKI Jakarta
Hendrarto Supangkat - [Scopus ID: 57195872079] PPM School of Management, DKI Jakarta , & Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, DKI Jakarta , &


PT HBZ is a construction company in the National Household Gas Network (Jargas) Program. The company wants to ensure that an appropriate supply chain design is implemented for PE pipe materials used in the construction of gas networks. This research provides an essential first step in the supply chain design process, namely determining the appropriate type of supply chain strategy. The analysis for determining the type of supply chain strategy in this research uses the uncertainty framework from Lee. There are two dimensions evaluated based on this framework, namely demand characteristics with seven aspects in them and supply characteristics with nine aspects in them. The analysis process for each aspect is based on quantitative and qualitative data obtained from document studies and interviews. The analysis results indicate that PE pipes belong to the functional product category with stable supply characteristics. The appropriate type of supply chain strategy for this condition is an efficient supply chain. This research also evaluates the alignment between selected types of supply chain strategy and the company's business/competitive strategy.


Jargas; Lee's Uncertainty Framework; Poly-Ethylene Pipes; Supply Chain Strategy


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