Asesmen Manajemen Risiko Operasional pada Lembaga Publik

Antoni Antoni - Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, DKI Jakarta
Aries Prasetyo - [Scopus ID: 57204528556] PPM School of Management, DKI Jakarta , & Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, DKI Jakarta , &


State Budget Office Center (PKA) of The DPR RI Expertise Bodies, which is an Echelon II unit of the Secretariat General DPR RI, has the task and function of developing the APBN analysis section at the Bureau of Budget Analysis and APBN Implementation. Carrying out studies on government issues and policies regarding the APBN has operational risks that can hinder the achievement of the PKA's targets. Some of the operational risks include the quality of the data and information used needing to be more optimal, inadequate HR competency in specific issues, and an insufficient number of HR in supporting activities in the parliamentary apparatus.Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate risk management in accordance with the objectives of this research to evaluate current risk management practices and provide recommendations regarding operational risk management processes. The data collection methods used are the results of interviews with 3 APBN analysts, observations of PKA's business processes, and document studies with analysis techniques using ISO 31000: 2018. The results are ongoing risk analysis and provide recommendations for operational risk management processes that are expected to be helpful as a guide for future management practices.


ISO 31000:2018; Operational Risk; Risk Management Process; State Budget Office Center


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